Friday, November 4, 2011

And I call myself a blogger....

Boy I tell ya...6 months between entries is not a very good track record, is it?? So much has happened since June I don't even know where to begin. Oh wait! Yes I do...My new car? It's a piece of crap! I have had nothing but trouble with it since I got it and I'm about ready to trade it in for a different one. I can't believe I let myself get ripped off like that. Just goes to show, sometimes you just can't trust people you think you know. *sigh*

So, aside from that, life has been a blur pretty much the whole time. My daughter, her friend, and I took another historic trip to GA to visit family. We had to rent a car, of course, because mine wouldn't freaking make it...cuss, cuss...*deep breath*....We had a great time and the beer flowed freely as usual. It was good to see everyone again. Good to see my mother, since she is getting so old I never know when will be the last time. She continues to surprise us, however, by hanging in there. 

When we came home, I started a part time job at the grocery store. The first week, I thought I was going to die, I was so tired. But when the extra money started coming in every week, I was happy to be exhausted with pain over my entire body.  Speaking of my entire body, however, by this time it was about 30 pounds smaller than what it had been. I began Dr Atkins new diet  on April 18 or thereabouts and by July I had lost 30 pounds. At this writing, I have lost 52. I am 1/3 of the way to where I want to be, but my next goal is to lose 10 more pounds to weigh less than I have had on my driver's license for roughly the last 20 years. Actually I weigh less now than I have for those past 20 years, cuz it probably wasn't correct then either. It's very exciting to be losing weight, but some days it's really hard. But I know it will be worth it. Holidays are coming up again too, so I need to really get my game face on!

Going through the empty nest again too. Well, 99% of the time anyway. My girl has moved out again, with the love of her life. She is happy and I'm so glad! It makes it a lot easier to be without her, although I still miss her intensely sometimes.

Ok, that's all the "news that's fit to print" at this time. Nothing funny, I guess. I'll try to write more often.
In between work and work and making Christmas presents...well, you know! If it gets to be more than a couple weeks, send cosmic vibes and I will write.

This is me after losing 50 pounds. My friends at work gave me roses to commemorate.

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