Thursday, October 21, 2010

I hate housework!

Oh Maxine! What a good idea!
 Almost every day of my life you will hear the words come out of my mouth, “I need to clean my house!" You would think that since I talk about it all the time that my house would be clean as a whistle and neat as a pin, right? Wrong! I HATE housework! Wash the dishes in the morning, and by supper time they are piled high in the sink. Clean the litter box, and the next day it’s full again. Wash clothes, and two days later you’ve nothing to wear. Sweep the floor and two minutes later step on a piece of something that didn’t get picked up. It’s horrible! It’s an exercise in futility exceeded only by the notion of resisting the Borg!
I am a procrastinator anyway. I think you should never put off till tomorrow what you can put off tilll next week, or forever for that matter. Now, you would think that since I know I don’t like to clean things that I would live a spartan existence, just a bed, one chair, one plate, etc. This is not the case. On the contrary, I am a packrat, a collector. I have collections of collections! I come by it naturally, of course. For example, when my mother moved in with my sister and sold the family home, the attic had to be emptied. We all knew the attic was full of stuff, but the sheer volume of “things” in that attic boggled the mind! To a neat freak, it would have been an opportunity to throw some junk away. To me, it’s an opportunity to bring more “collectables” into my home. Never mind the fact that most anything up there was bound to have mold, mildew, Black Widow and/or Brown Recluse spiders, and the possible stray alien egg on it. Never mind that lurking in the fiberglass between the rafters there may have been a heretofore unknown species breeding. Nevertheless, when I visited recently, I came home with my old dollhouse, (which still had all the pieces), tables, lamps I’ll never use, pictures of relatives I never knew, and a collection of fashion dolls all naked and headless. One of the people who was helping move things asked me if I had ever dealt with the problem of ripping off doll heads. I just smiled and walked away. He's lucky he still has HIS!
But now I’m home again and in the past 2 months I have bought 3 or 4 books on organizing. I don’t understand why organizing always costs money. I am thinking about writing a book called "Organizing the Stuff You Have with the Stuff You Have". Who has $300 to go out and buy a new closet organizer system? I sure as hell don’t! Even a plastic tote is $5. Multiply that by the number of them I would need to buy, and I could have enough cash back on my credit card to get me to Hawaii. Some day maybe I will buy some of those clear plastic boxes to put all my stuff in so at least I will KNOW what is in my closet that I will never use!
So for now,  I do my own thing... cardboard boxes, boxes, and more boxes. I have boxes everywhere. On most of them is written what is in there, what was in there recently, and what was in there 5 years ago. I am even a packrat with boxes! Unless it’s falling apart I don’t throw it away. I just mark out the label, write something new, and put it back on the shelf. Then there is that old bane of existence, MAIL. Junk mail, bills, catalogs, whatever it is, always ends up in a pile. Before I know it, I have quite a collection of papers that need to be eliminated. So I make an “eliminate” pile, and it sits there till I get around to it, which is usually three to four months after they arrive. Sometimes, I find disconnect notices in that pile. In a panic, I'll go looking for a newer bill that will show that the disconnect is no longer a threat. Usually I can either find one showing that I've paid, or I'll frantically call the company and beg for an extension. I always wonder how I managed to only have my utilities disconnected a few times. Maybe the company has my name in one of their piles and hasn't found me yet. Or, maybe the person who schedules the disconnects is a packrat, too, and he/she understands.
I have tried before to ask people who have nice clean homes how to clean. I have inevitably received the same answer....hysterical laughter. People think I’m joking when I ask that.  I don’t understand why I don’t know how to keep my house clean. So, when I ask, it's because I really want to know.  I figure that out there is someone who did not have assigned chores when they were young, or who didn’t learn to clean from their mother or their grandmother or their nice neighbor. They had to learn it on their own. Somehow they were able to cut through the banality of cleaning to find the "true light of cleanliness", or something like that. This person would be able to pass their "light" on to me. My daughter learned to clean from one of her friends. She has tried to pass her "light" on to me, but I'm a slow learner in this case. She loves me, so she just shakes her head and smiles.
Here's the thing...Housework is repetitive. I don’t like to do the same thing over and over every day. Maybe I'm messy because I am truly adventurous. The everyday stuff pales in comparison to the new horizons I am seeking. Whatever!  The truth is, I'm not disciplined enough to take care of messes while they are small. Plus,  I am used to the mess, even though it's not as bad as it used to be. All I know is that if my house is too clean, I’m not comfortable. I start missing the pair of scissors that have been laying on the bookshelf for the past month. Where on earth did I put them? I am trying to fix something and need a hammer. Where is it? I can't find the cat toy that I always trip over. Now the cats are bored and are starting to eat the houseplants, which I just found behind the newspapers and other miscellaneous junk piled on the table. Judging from the looks of the plants, the cats knew where they were all along.
Once in a while, though, my daughter and I will have this huge burst of energy and will clean the entire house. The living room, kitchen and dining room will look so good that we want it to always look that way. We thought about taking pictures of the rooms, gluing them into sunglasses and making everyone who visits wear them. That way, we could actually keep the place messy but no one would be the wiser. It would be kind of like looking through rose-colored glasses, only they wouldn’t be able to see a damn thing. They would think our house was straight out of Better Homes and Gardens. Just the way I like it!
I said that we get into moods and clean the entire house. That is true with one exception–my bedroom. It is the repository for every reject thing from every other room in the house. I have things in there that I still don’t know where to put them. There could be a million dollars in unmarked bills in there, and I wouldn't know it. Usually stuff ends up in a box marked “Stuff” which is put on a shelf in my packed-to-the-gills closet. About a week later, we will need something, I’ll remember it’s in my room, drag "Stuff" out of my closet, and the mess starts up again because I:  a)really want to go through it and sort things out, b)thought I saw an unmarked bill in there, or c) am too lazy to put it all back, because when I moved the box from the shelf, all the other boxes fell down to take it's place.
Laundry is horrible too. I try to wear my clothes more than once before I wash them, but I have this “shelf” on my upper body which catches everything from cracker crumbs to barbeque sauce. I wear something once, and if I don’t eat in it, I may be ok. However, if I have a meal of any sort, I’m bound to be washing it the next day. I do try to keep the pile of dirty clothes smaller these days, though. Once we had such a big pile of clothes on the floor, a friend of ours came over, walked down the hall, and vanished! The pile of clothes actually turned into a monster and ate him! Well, maybe not. He never did come back, though.
Like I said, I do a little better with cleaning, so it's not as bad as it used to be.  I at least try to keep the dishes done up and I attempt to keep my little space in the living room clean. I do a lot of crafts, so there are always little pieces of fabric, thread, and the occasional needle all over the floor around where I sit. I call them my "droppings". I'm sort of like Pigpen in Charlie Brown comics. I have this cloud of stuff around me all the time. It’s part of who I am. Being a little messy is part of my charm. I'm too creative to care about having a super clean house. I have a magnet that says "Boring women have immaculate houses". I agree with that. However, I think from now on, my motto will be "Love me, love my droppings".
Mouse click in 3....2.....1....

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Recovering from Vacation

Ahhhhh....Vacation! What a wonderful word! The very thought of it brings images of beaches, mountains, slot machines (for some). An awesome thing. But the most awesome image the word brings up is TIME OFF WORK!!
Even people who love their jobs love time off work. It's freedom. Freedom to do whatever they want without having to punch a time clock. Time without worrying about that deadline or schedules, or even having to get dressed! Ahhhhh.....Vacation!

It's the time to drink all the beer you can possibly get your hands on. The time to introduce the family to Monster Shots (a moment of silence, please........................)

It's the time to go swimming, get bruised in all sorts of places, in other words, have a FREAKIN BALL!!!

Ok, so my vacation was obviously the latter one. My daughter and I were going to go to the beach, but we just didn't have time. We did drive up one side and down the other of a mountain, so maybe that does count. Not sure...No slot machines...that's my best friend's obsession. I'm a Blackjack girl, myself. But I'm getting off track.

Remember what I said about not worrying about schedules? Well, that wasn't entirely true. We did have a schedule. It looked something like this: arrive at sister's house Thursday night, go to bed. Get up Friday go to nephew's house, spend two nights, come back to house, spend time with Mom, visit with High School friends, go see the new Twilight movie (oh Edward!), leave for home on Tuesday. That was the schedule. Sounds a little boring, huh?

Oh nooooo! Boring was not a word I would use to describe this schedule! It was a blowout! An all out beer-drinking, shot-taking, guitar-playing, bruise-making blowout!

My daughter turned out to be a very good driver. She does think that the speed limit in every state is 85 mph, but she does really good at that speed. We sang and talked and laughed all the way to Georgia. Good times.

We arrived at my sister Vicki's house at about 8 PM on Thursday night. We were sitting out on the porch smoking, having long since been banned from smoking inside by the great Cynthia takeover..but that's another blog... and my nephew Chad and his wife Shannon showed up unexpectedly, announcing themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. One interesting thing...these JW's had BEER! So we began our vacation by getting completely plastered on Vicki's front porch. A portent of things to come!

On Friday, when we finally got up, we headed off to Chris and Pam's house (my other nephew and his wife) armed with no less than 120 beers. That's 40 beers each if anyone is counting. We also had Monster Energy Drinks@ and a fifth of Bacardi@, and shot glasses. We were ready to parrrrtaaaaay!!!

And so, we did...For 2 solid days and nights! I will let the picture above do the talking for the most part. It does get boring talking about who got drunk and what they did or said that might not be funny to anyone but us. You would have to have been there, you know? I mean, I wonder how many times Mike asked if he had a booger? It was hilarious. I fell in the garage. Slipped on the concrete floor. Slammed my cheek into the work bench and landed on my expensive knees. Had to call for help. Pam came to the rescue, and when Eric came out to see what was wrong, he fell. (the floor was VERY slick) Pam and I helped him up, we couldn't stop laughing. Pam reached over to ask Eric if he was ok, Eric took another step, fell again, pulled Pam down on top of him. We were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. I looked like someone had punched me in the face. Eric had a huge bruise on his butt. It was freaking awesome!

I played the guitar for the first time in 5 years. Sang with my family, felt...happy...contented.. realizing what I have missed for the past few years. Wish my brother had been there. Talk about playing guitar!!!! wow.. Maybe next time, Elwood? =)
It was good to see my mom. Old and frail, but still has a tongue that'll knock the crap out of your self-esteem at a moment's notice. I had prepared for it. I came home with my self-esteem intact for the first time ever. That in itself was quite an accomplishment, and well worth the time. Edward (Twilight Eclipse..Team Edward!) was awesome, of course, and no, Vicki, he did NOT have a booger!

Of course the time came, as it always does, when we had to come home. The trip home was great too. We sang and laughed and talked and had a great time. It took me a week to recover. I think I killed a few billion brain cells, but wow...what a blast!

All in was a great vacation! I plan on doing it again a lot sooner, because I realized that I really miss my family. Allison had a blast with them, and it was good for her. I will not regret the time missed previously, though. Maybe things had to happen inside me before I could face my mom with confidence. Maybe I had to just be ready to accept everyone as they are. I don't know.. whatever it was, the time was definitely right, and I am changed. I belong now. I'm not the outsider, and it's really a great feeling. So I say, thank you Vicki, Chris, Pam, Chad, Shannon, Eric, Mike, and all the other random drunken people who floated through that Lost Weekend, thank you for the best time I've had in years!

So, pop a beer, drink a Monster Bomb (a moment of silence, please............), grab a guitar or turn on some music, and enjoy the company of those around you. If you don't have family, make one. If you do, well....try to "put the FUN in dysFUNctional". Enjoy the life you have, make memories with friends, and if you are lucky, with a great bunch of family who likes the same things you do.

Ahhhh....Vacation! Wish I could be there I have a booger???

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why I hate Internet Dating Sites!

Ok, first of all, if you want to get more than just someone you can meet on the street or in a bar, you gotta pay to be on a website. Sure, you can flirt, send little messages, but if anyone sends one back to you, you can't read it, or even see a picture, unless you pay. And you pay BIG! So I went on the one you see on TV all the time. Oh everybody is soooo happy, and so in love, yada yada yada... It's $59.95 a month! You can do a year for a lot less, but they charge ya $200 + at one time, so you are out the money and still don't know if they will be able to match you on the deepest level. I highly doubt if there are refunds. It's a crap shoot. As I've said before (possibly in this blog...sorry) I can get rejected for free.
But, my daughter encouraged me to try again, so I did. There is a free weekend coming up (how better to celebrate Independence Day than by getting hooked up with Mr Maybe Not Quite Right?) so I went ahead and took an hour and a half and answered all the questions, trying to be as honest and straightforward as possible. I thought I did fairly well. We shall see. Do I care? I'm not so sure about that....

The following are some of the answers that my "perfect matches" gave (and my comments on each.) You be the it worth $59.95 a month to be matched on these "deepest levels"???

When asked what books he has recently read: At this time, I read what is required for collage classes (maybe they'll teach him how to spell college while he's there...or maybe he's learning how to cut pictures out and paste them to a piece of cardboard for a nice dekorashun?)

When asked what the first thing people notice about him is: Im quit type.

Additional information: High risks reaps high reward; I do spend time up north in MI my home town. (It's risky up there in MI, huh??)

Occupation: i am gone alot (and how's that workin' out for ya?)

Three things he's thankful for: 1.that god being to me 2 that i all way being to take of my loveone. 3 that my health is still good thankful that other feeling come befor my onw i love alot like to laugh alot (wtf?)

Additional information: I don't have great table manners, but I will make you laugh. (Animal House anyone?? FOOD FIGHT!!!!!)

The first thing people notice about him: That I look mean but i am not (ha! says you!)
Which led naturally into the next question:
Additional information: Don't judge the book by the cover. No Photo no contact (isn't that kind of a contradiction?)

Things he wishes more people would notice about him: There is more to me than looks (if this is true, why don't people notice?)

The first thing people notice about Henry is : I go by Steve, not Henry (so....why did you put Henry on your profile? It's not like a legal document or anything...)

He likes to spend his leisure time: watch racing, building things, camping, having fun of any sort, shooting sports, fishing, hunting, 420 (In other words, gettin' stoned and shootin' guns an' animals an' shit!)

Oh, and the one that REALLY got me... When asked "Who was the most influential person in your life?" this guy answered: my wife. ( this ex-wife, late wife, CURRENT wife???)

There were more, some made me laugh out loud. Some were kind of sad. It took me about 5 minutes to figure out WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get.) I'm pretty sure that was Henry/Steve.

Anyway, I just wanted to share these little tidbits with you. Glimpses of the Caucasian, not Hispanic, 45-62 year old male population who go online hoping to meet the girl of their dreams. Hey, maybe they are blogging about the fact that I like Twilight, and cats, and movies, and that I admit to being a couch potato. Who knows? At least I spelled potato correctly!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The New Jerusalem

Today, May 17, 2010, was my first day alone in my new job. What a ride this last month has been! I lost my job, of course, and thought I was going to be one of the unemployed millions for a while. I was almost looking forward to it, when fate...ah fate!...stepped in.
There was a lady at my office who had worked closely with me on some situations, so I was somewhat familiar with her job. It just so happened that I saw the job posting after she announced her imminent retirement, and applied for the job. I went to the interview and was pretty sure that I had the job. I was right. They offered it to me, and I accepted. Meanwhile, I was offered an interview at another location. I started my new job on Monday, and interviewed for the other job on Tuesday. I just KNEW I had that job! Turns out, though, I'm not "fast-paced" enough for them, so they turned me down. Just as well, I think. Later on, they might decide I'm too something else for the job, or not enough of another thing for the job. So, I threw myself into learning the new one that I already had. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, isn't that what they say? Let me tell's true! Two jobs hanging out there was not good for anyone involved, and I was glad when it was all over.
So, I learned what I could, got lots of phone numbers to call in case I run into anything crazy, and started my new position this morning. I spent most of the day arranging things in the office. My friend pranked me this morning by calling and pretending to be a client who was very upset with me. I hung up on her. It was hilarious when I found out it was her. Good to have friends. She WILL be watching her back from now own. =)
Thing is, I now have a nice big office, with a big window through which I watched the rain pour down all day. I didn't have to leave my friends. I know the job, and I know I can do it.
The whole day, I kept looking around almost in disbelief. Over and over in my head, the theme song to "Working Girl" kept playing. The movie that, many years ago, made me want to get back out into the working world. The movie where when you have the guts to keep trying for something, and fail, and try again, finally it all comes out good in the end. I am a working girl, and I finally made it to that office!
"Let the river run, let all the dreamers wake the nation, Come, the New Jerusalem" -Carly Simon

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wake Up!

I do not like to go to bed

Because I know it means

A struggle for this sleepyhead

To awaken from my dreams.

So now I've made a system

For waking up. You see,

Each night before I go to bed

I set my clock for three.

At three o'clock the buzzer sounds

I stumble 'cross the floor.

Yawning, cussing, with a frown

I set the clock for four.

Four o'clock comes all too soon.

I barely am alive.

I look outside and see the moon!

And set the clock for five.

At five o'clock I realize

That I'm in quite a fix.

I lie in bed and dream sweet dreams.

I've set the clock for six.

At six o'clock another system

Starts to come to light.

A snooze bar placed atop my clock

Helps extend my night.

So every ten minutes for an hour or so

I slap my clock around.

I'm sure the neighbors are awake

From all that buzzing sound!

I finally wake at seven fifteen

Not ready to face the day

But I am up and out the door.

I'm actually on my way!

So, if you hate mornings, like I do,

You might give this a try.

What works for me might work for you.

But wait -- I cannot lie!

I must admit, reluctantly,

A secret I have kept.

Every day I'm late for work

Because I overslept.

kbozell 5/19/04

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Two Months and Nine Days

I lost my job yesterday. I had it in the morning, but by the afternoon it was lost. I poured three years into that job. I learned everything I could about it. Did things with it that nobody else had ever done! I cleaned up its messes. I even got up earlier than I ever thought I could just to be able to spend time with it. And still, it is lost. Never to be found again. It should be a simple thing to take care of, clean out the desk, take the pictures off the wall, make sure I take my multicolored staples home.
But, there is a problem. Every day for the next two months and nine (well, eight now) days I have to go and sit where my job was. I have to still provide for it, do things for it, even though it is gone. How will I do that? It’s like sitting beside a coffin at a funeral home, desperately wishing the person wasn't dead. It wasn’t true. The person in there will surely start moving again any minute and it will be a big joke. Right? Wrong! My job is as dead and gone as that corpse in the coffin. Yet, here I am, and here I shall be every day, working half-heartedly at a job that no longer exists. Half-heartedly because I know that it is useless now. All my hard work has been deemed dispensable. Its impact has been negated. The job doesn’t care. This is the second day and, already, I can tell it is going to be a miserable 69 more. But I must prevail if I am to reap any of the benefits I have worked so hard to earn. Because you see, my job didn’t run away, it was stolen from me by greedy people who don’t care about anything but the bottom line.
So yes, I had a job. Not good, not bad, just a job. Necessary things, jobs. And even though people around me were falling by the wayside every day, I somehow didn’t think I would join their ranks. So my time with my precious job seemed to stretch out in front of me to the horizon with no end in sight. I began to see myself in 11 years or so, sitting on the front porch while my job just kept going. Suddenly, I was told I had 70 days and my job would be no more. For the first time in 3 years, the clock started to tick.
Funny thing, time. (Please forgive me if I’ve written these same things before..) 70 days of sitting at this desk, actually 50, if you don’t count weekends and holidays, seems like an eternity. How can I even pretend to care what happens to it, now that it has left me? To get a paycheck? Sure, but even’s like being stuck on a merry go round. You are getting sick of going nowhere, but it won’t stop. Do they expect me to jump off, maybe? Make it easier for them to say, see? I knew she wasn’t worth the money. See how easily she gave up working on that dead job? NO! I will not do that. They do not deserve that satisfaction! They deserve to have to continue paying me for the job I am no longer doing! Two months and 9 days is such a long time, but I will prevail!

You know, if I was told I only had 70 days to live…those days would seem like just a mere moment. I would scramble to live every day to the fullest. 70 days to be in a locked cell, only allowed bread and water…an eternity. See what I mean? The TRULY precious things are the ones that you want to hold on to. To make last. Not this dead job. These 70 days cannot pass fast enough, because when they are done, I will begin a new life. New possibilities. New job (I hope). I will be able to look toward the horizon with new eyes and, hopefully, will see a future where my job cares for me as much as I care for my job.
70 days, 69, 68, 67…..and counting….

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Beautiful day here in Indiana! 70 degrees or so, 60% chance of thunderstorms overnight...great springtime weather. No heat, no AC, door open, windows open ahhhhh...spring. I didn't even mind the itchy eyes so much. My wind chimes have been ringing all day. I have a chime set that is tuned, and sometimes it sounds like it's playing "Renegade" by Styx. Interesting.
I planted some seeds in little peat pots today. I'm really excited to see how they do. I have claimed this house as my own and now am trying to make it so. I always have so many plans and then end up not getting them done, but now that I have planted the little buggers, I guess I'll have to figure out somewhere to give them a home. We'll see. I'll just have to get UN-lazy and start working on it.
Spring always brings nostalgia for some reason. Fall is worse for me in that respect, but spring definitely has its weird feelings. Probably is related to the change in barometric pressure or the earth being off its axis a little bit, something like that. But I always feel like I've forgotten I forgot to go on a diet, usually... But there is a certain longing for something that is indefinable, but is so real I can almost reach out and touch it. I don't know if it's wanderlust, or just a desire to be a kid again and go out and play in the yard. Back in the days when dandelions were beautiful flowers and not just a pesky little weed that makes the yard look tacky.
I'm not sure what it is. I guess it's what they call "Spring Fever". Well, if that's what it's called, then I have a huge case of it this year! I'm ready to get outside and kill the poison ivy! rake the gravel! Plant morning glories beside anything that will allow them to climb up! Feed every bird in the neighborhood! Note that there's not much spring cleaning going on. I'm pretty sure THAT'S not what I've been longing for!
So happy spring to everyone! Do something that makes you happy this spring. Don't miss it! Boinnnnnng! Spring has sprung!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'd rather have a root canal

Steve Martin in Little Shop of Horrors

When I was young and just a bad little kid,
My momma noticed funny things I did.
Like shootin' puppies with a BB-Gun.
I'd poison guppies, and when I was done,
I'd find a pussy-cat and bash in it's head.
That's when my momma said...
(What did she say?)
She said my boy I think someday
You'll find a way
To make your natural tendencies pay...

You'll be a dentist.
You have a talent for causing things pain!
Son, be a dentist.
People will pay you to be inhumane!

You're temperament's wrong for the priesthood,
And teaching would suit you still less.
Son, be a dentist.
You'll be a success!

So...this is the way I have thought about dentists ever since a certain unnamed asshole gave me 13 shots and even when I didn't get numb, drilled away! Before that, I was never scared of the dentist. Dr Robertson was sooo handsome, and he always said..Oh! There's that mean old Karen again! It wasn't an ordeal. Just something that had to be done. And afterwards, we got suckers!!! Keep 'em comin back!
However, Dr Jones, we shall call him, wasn't handsome, nor did he particularly care that I wasn't numb. He just kept shooting and drilling. Kinda like boot camp? Anyway, after that day I have been terrified of dentists. This is quite obvious if you look at my molars. I only have 4 left. The rest have had to be pulled because they got so bad they couldn't be fixed. I had neither the desire nor the money to do that, so I had them yanked. Each time I would go in a white-knuckled wreck and come out wasn't so bad. I might even make an appointment to go back. But I wouldn't.
This time, though, I had a choice. Dr B said I needed a root canal pretty soon. I put it off for as long as I could, but it started hurting sometimes, so I set an appointment. The closer it got, the more nervous I got. I found out how much it was going to cost. I decided to just get it pulled. My sister, bless her, said I should probably try to save the tooth and offered to help pay for the crown to keep it in my head. So I decided to go ahead with it. (As it turned out, she didn't have to help, so that was cool)
Today was the day.
I think it helps to tell the receptionist that you are scared. When the dentist, who is quite handsome, by the way, came in, he said he had heard I was "a little nervous" and promptly shot me up with a double dose of anesthetic. I won't feel the left side of my face til tomorrow! Even my NOSE is numb! I told him I couldn't believe how scared I was. After all, just a year ago I had a doctor cut both of my leg bones off and stick metal stuff in their place. I don't think I was this scared then.
I think it's because I didn't see it, you know? After all, when a dentist is in your mouth, well, he's right in your face! He had said I wouldn't have to do anything..maybe hold a tooth or something. I think he was kidding, but still... When I had my knee surgery, I didn't have to hold my freakin kneecap so the doc could pound the metal into my leg, ya know??? Plus I was totally asleep and dreaming of a happy place. Whatever happened to gassing patients??
Anyway, today I was numb, for sure, and he put this rubber dam thingy in my mouth and laid the chair back, pulled down those weird little magnifying glasses and started drilling. He had two hands in my mouth...the dental assistant had two hands in my mouth, and I felt like I had been abducted by aliens!
If they could ever make a drill that didn't make noise or vibrate your head or smell like something burning, people wouldn't mind going to the dentist so much. Someone should work on that! In fact, if it hadn't been for all the noise and stuff, I probably would've fallen asleep, because I almost did as it was! I just kept closing my eyes and waiting for something to hurt.
All in all, it wasn't a terrible experience. My hands were as numb as my face because I was clenching them so tightly. But it didn't hurt, and I'm very thankful for that. He wouldn't give me drugs, though.oh well...
My brother said once that teeth were not one of God's better creations. I tend to agree. They are necessary, though, and with a dentist like mine, I plan on taking better care of the ones that remain.
But I can tell you time someone wants me to do something I really really really don't want to do, I can honestly say, "I'd rather have a root canal".

Monday, March 8, 2010

Falling Out of Bed 101 – Learn how in 40 steps!

1. Buy a wonderful new bed!
2. Get a great night’s sleep.
3. Reach over to the nightstand to answer the call from your sister.
4. Roll over and fall 3 ½ feet to the floor and land on your $100,000 knees.
5. Cuss
6. Try to get foot untangled from sheet. Rip a hole in your brand-new sheet.
7. Cuss
8. Try to stand up and talk on the phone at the same time.
9. Cuss
10. Tell sister you will call her back. Hang up.
11. Cuss
12. Take a deep breath and get under control.
13. Lay down on your belly and begin scooting backwards to the end of the bed.
14. Get elbow untangled from the extension cord on the floor.
15. Cuss
16. Ignore the fact that your nightgown is now up around your armpits.
17. Scoot, Cuss, Scoot
18. Realize you really have to pee.
19. Cuss
20. Get to the end of the bed. Try to get up on your knees.
21. Scream because they hurt…you just FELL on them, idiot!
22. Ignore the fact that the cats are all staring at you.
23. Cuss at the damn cats.
24. Try to remember how you got up when you fell down on the back porch last year.
25. Put right foot back, slip on carpet.
26. Cuss
27. Put right foot back again, then put left foot back.
28. Dig painful ingrown toenails into carpet.
29. Cuss
30. Raise up on elbows, then to palms.Walk legs up toward hands.
31. Stand up, run to bathroom before you wet your pants.
32. Cuss
33. Call frantic sister back. Assure her that you are ok. Hang up.
34. Cuss
35. Cry
36. Cuss
37. Make sure everything is still moving correctly.
38. Laugh
39. Cuss
40. Do not repeat!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm a chicken

I have a friend who asked me to set up an account on a dating site so she could see who was on there from her town. She's married...was just curious...but she didn't feel it would be right to put herself on there. So I agreed. I thought I would go ahead (since I was setting up the account anyway) and write a nice profile paragraph, and put a nice picture of myself to just see what happened. That was about 2 weeks ago. I have now deleted my account.
I have several reasons for deleting the account. Mainly it is because I received about 5 emails from "interested" men. Every single one of them said hi. do you have any more pictures? ARRRRRGH!!!!! Hell no, I don't have any more pictures! If I'd had more pictures I would've posted them you friggin idiot!!! Read my damn profile!
I understand that men and women are wired differently. That's cool. I can deal with that. But before the internet had pictures, people actually had to IM each other for a while before finding out what the other looked like. I'll have to admit there were some surprises with some of the ones that I met..ohhhh I imagine some of them were surprised too. But at least we knew a little bit about each other.
I did get in touch with one fellow that seemed to be really nice. Very articulate. He can actually spell! I talked to him online for a couple of hours today. He said he has problems with women because he has "old fashioned ideas about dating". After our extended conversation, I have come to realize that he is controlling and wants a submissive woman. NOOO WAY! Not for me. I am too set in my ways to put up with that kind of crap. Now I will admit that I might be wrong. But I believe my impression is correct. After all, I'm obviously not the only one who has had that impression.
So I decided rather than put my effort into trying to find someone else to talk to, I'll just continue to do what I'm doing. Maybe one of these days I'll run into someone at the gas station and he'll be the right one. Maybe he'll offer to buy me coffee or a pair of gloves...
I don't's really hard to think about being with someone. When I got married I was young and relatively in shape. We kinda grew up together. But what happens when you are with someone new at my age? How do you get past the fact that your boobs point to the floor and there are weird black hairs that show up overnight on your chin? What about those weird hairs that show up on your BOOBS??? How do you know when it's ok to fart in their presence? How am I going to sit and pluck hairs while watching 24 if there is someone sitting there beside me? How long does it take to get that comfortable? What about my toenails? OMG! I'd have to go get my toes removed before I could even take my shoes off in front of him! And then...IF we took time to get to know each other and IF things kinda went in that direction...eventually he would want to *gulp* have s-e-x.. YIKES!! The very idea of getting naked in front of a man makes me break out in a cold sweat and feel like I'm gonna fart! I just can't imagine. It would be so sad to see a grown man run screaming down the street.
No more dating sites for me. I have in my imagination the kind of guy I'm looking for. Maybe someday he'll come along. If not, I'm cool with that. I just can't see making myself miserable just to have a man around when I have worked so hard to make myself UN-miserable without one. Just doesn't make sense to me.
So, my friend may not have been able to see who in her hometown is looking for a woman. If she did, and she knows any of them, maybe she'll introduce us. If not, she'll have to set up her own account. I'm not going through that again. I titled this "I'm a chicken" but I don't think that's true. I think I'm just wiser than I used to be, and I'm cool by myself.
Where the hell are my tweezers????

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

This is a test... of Murphy's Law!

Murphy's Law: anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

This statement is one that I really try to not invoke. I believe in thinking postively as long as possible. But there are days where things are so messed up that it has to be dubbed a "Murphy" day. There's even a website about it Check it out.
Well, today was one of those days. I know that there were many other things that could've gone wrong, and I am so thankful that they didn't. But even so, it was a frustrating day!
I was expecting my to-your-door mechanic to come by last night and replace the ignition pack on my car. He was unable to do so, but we set up for him to come by today. I was so excited about being able to drive again, I was almost happy to be going to work! He replaced the ignition pack, which was totally melted by the way, and tried to start the car. It didn't start. He said that it needed a tune-up and that was probably what caused the ignition pack to melt in the first place. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to work on that this morning. It was around 10:30, and he had to be at work at noon. By the time he got everything all put away, it was 11:00. He said he would take me to his house and his sister (who didnt have to work until 2) would take me the rest of the way to work. Fortunately, he called her and she said she also had to be at work at noon. So we are hanging halfway out into the street at this time, with cars honking, and I'm saying never mind, I'll call my daughter. See, she had told me last night that she had to be at work at 2:30 today. So I called her. She didn't answer, but then she called me back....from work. Turns out she had to be there at 10:30. Everybody else was already at work, of course, so I called in and told them I wouldn't be there.
Meanwhile, I called the maintenance man about the plumbing. Seems the toilet has been rocking quite a bit, and lately when it is flushed, you can kinda, well...hear it in the pipes. He came in, flushed the toilet. Nothing. I said...I don't believe this. So, I rocked the toilet, then flushed it. Overflow. Water everywhere. He plunged, it came up in the bathtub. Thank God it was only water! He left, promising to call Roto-rooter. I've not heard a thing since. That's all the information I will give except to say, he'd better show up tomorrow!
The thing is...I don't know...maybe I'm learning to deal with disappointment. Maybe I need to learn to assert myself more in these situations. But since I had to stay home, I wanted to clean the kitchen, wash dishes, do laundry, which are all things that use the drain. I wasn't able to do any of them. Of course, I also had to arrange for a ride to and from work tomorrow, which is no problem (I hope..) and my daughter had to come get me to take me to the gas station so I don't miss out on my 7000 bonus Speedy Reward points. Gotta have those priorities! So, could've been much worse. I mean, the tub could've backed up when I was taking a shower...right?
But it's really kind of interesting. Although I am frustrated and just a little disgusted with people who don't return important phone calls JEFF, I feel surprisingly hopeful. Maybe all these things are getting over with at the first of the year. Maybe the rest of the year will be better. Maybe I have learned how to overcome Murphy's Law. We'll call it Karen's law... Anything that can go wrong MIGHT go wrong, but most times it's only SOME things. I think I like that better.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Light at the end of the tunnel....

Yes, indeed! Light! Light at the end of the tunnel! Hopefully it's not a freight train coming my way (No Leaf Clover-Metallica)
Car problems, car problems! I hate them with a passion. A friend of mine told me they need to make a Karen-proof car, and I think she's right. I'm really hard on cars for some reason. Guess I should've called that college on tv so I could earn money doing what I love, and work with my hands. Wait...that would be crafting...oh well. So today a mechanic made a house call, and it looks like I'm not going to have to pay a fortune for car repairs. In fact, I'm going to be paying close to the same amount I would've squandered on a stupid pyramid scheme. Sis is gonna loan me the money til my tax check comes, so it's only a week or so til I have some freedom again. You would think my house would be spotless by now, but..well...I hate housework! I'm looking forward to the time I can have Rosie the Robot living in my house cleaning up behind me. So yaaaay for the car, and yaaay for my sister, and yaaay for tax refunds, and well...just yaaaay! lol
I don't understand why a city like Indianapolis would have such a lousy mass transit system. I know a few years ago they even removed some bus routes, so people have even less of a chance to get to where they need to go. I drive 14 miles to work every day. It's not that far, really. I know there are people who drive a lot further. But the thing is, there is no way to get there from here unless you drive a car! No bus, no train, no subway, no nothing. It's really sad because people are so big on reducing pollution, but they don't do anything to help! So, I have to have this car, and until I can afford a Beamer, she's gonna have to do. No car payments either, cause I am just barely making it as it is! Eventually I know I'll have to break down and get one, but hopefully I will have started making money selling my crafts online.
I'm rambling, but I'm just thankful for all the people who have helped me during this time. It's just awesome!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year?

I have to say as I begin this post, that everything I said in my New Year's post is true. I still believe every last word. That is why it is so hard for me to admit that this New Year so far has not been good at all. In fact, I am suffering from some of the worst depression I've had in a long time. Not exactly sure why, but I am trying to put my finger on it.
I started out the year with car trouble. Car trouble always sucks, but when it's below zero wind chills outside and I have to rely on others to get me to and from work, then it gets stressful. I was so stressed out all week that today I didn't go to work. I wasn't sick...physically, anyway...but I just knew somehow that even though my car would most likely start, I needed to stay home. I woke up and called in to work, sat down on the couch and proceeded to sleep (sitting up!) until 1:15 when my sister called to make sure I was alive. Thank God she called or I might still be sitting there snoozing even now. (12 hours later)
Hopefully, there won't be repercussions from my being out today. If there are, I am willing to accept that. Because I think I figured out something.
I don't know how to live without being in pain! For the past 7 years or so, I have lived with this constant crippling arthritis pain in my knees. It has been my reason, and sometimes my excuse, to not do much of anything. Now, I don't have that pain. I have no reason to not do the things I need or want to do. I have spent the past couple of months sitting in front of this computer playing all manner of mindless games just like I did before. Not to say that there's anything wrong with playing games, but in my mind I'm still a cripple. I still tell myself I can't do things. This is a huge part of my problem, my depression. I need to tell myself I CAN do it! Having my knees replaced has turned my life around, yet I keep looking back. I cannot do that any more.
I have to start right now, today, doing things that are difficult. Doing the things that I used to put off because I hurt. I think over the years I just got lazy (er..)and now it's just a struggle to not be lazy anymore. I can do this. I know I can...I can actually reach my bootstraps now to pull myself up. Today is the day. Things are going to change, and I hope that in a few weeks, I will be able to post here that they have indeed changed. There are other things I have to deal with, of course. I don't like my job, I'm lonely, I don't make enough money. But these are things that will take care of themselves in the passage of time AFTER I learn to live with my new physical UNlimitations!
Keep pulling for me, friends!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, it's 2010. I don't think that much is like the movie 2010, which is something for which we should be thankful. It's so's just another day, January 1. The sun rises just like it does every other day. The weather continues as it was on December 31. The bills that were supposed to be paid on December 28 are still due. Nothing really changes. Yet in my mind, it is like closing a finished book and putting it on the shelf. Then another book is opened, waiting to be explored. I asked a guy yesterday if he had a good Christmas and New Year. He shrugged and said, "It was just another day." And...he's was just another day. So what makes January 1 so different? We do. We make it different. In the minds of those of us who choose to celebrate this "just another day", it is an official time to start over. Whether with resolutions or, as with most of the people I have talked to, a time to get rid of a not so great year and start a new, more promising one. I have made resolutions, but have decided to defy tradition and not start most of them til January 4. I am cheating! But one resolution that I have already begun is to be more positive about my life. I don't want to have a Pollyanna attitude by any means. But I've learned that what we think is what we are. So if I believe that I can make things different, then I can. It's the belief part that is difficult, though. Start small, I guess. Baby steps.
For instance, "I hate housework" has been my motto for years. My house, unfortunately, reflects that motto. My messy house, in turn, makes me feel depressed, which makes me feel bad about the rest of my life. Eventually I get to the point where I just ignore the mess, and just allow myself to get more and more depressed. Today I looked around and thought, I need for Neicy Nash to come see me!! I need to be on Clean House! I am happy that my house isn't THAT bad yet, but I made a vow this morning that I'm going to make my house back to a nice place. Me. Not Neicy and Matt and Mark and that whiney Trish...eek...Me. I am going to start small and do the things that need to be done. And I will do them for MYSELF. Not for anyone else. After all, I am the one who lives here. I have said for the past few months that it doesn't matter what it looks like because I am the only one who sees it. Well, am I not worth seeing a nice place? I deserve to have a nice place. I've worked hard to get it. So it's time. (I just realized, though, that instead of being in there cleaning, I'm in here well...)
So, my one resolution that I am beginning right now is to believe that I am deserving of good things. As with most good things, I will have to take the first step, and that is what I will do.
So, why do we celebrate a new year? Because it is an official opportunity to start over and make the life for ourselves that we want to have. It is the time when we decide to change our attitudes toward something that we have allowed to color our lives gray and dingy. Wipe away the soot from the windows and see the sunshine. It's very possible that the thing we have allowed to do this will still be around. Even so, our thoughts can change so that we aren't colored by this thing anymore. We can paint our own picture. Not Pollyanna by any means, and certainly not with feigned ignorance...but it is amazing the difference just one positive thought can make in a situation. One stand against the negative can make the next stand easier.
I know I will be tested on this. I will win some, I will fail some. I may not know what your situation is like. But that's the whole point. We each have to make the choice. I'm scared, believe me. I have things that I need to face that no one knows about, as do we all. I am afraid of the failure. But I'm tired of waking up every day and feeling like I'm worthless. I am NOT worthless. YOU are not worthless. If we all lived like we were worth something, would our world be better? I think it might.
My thought for the year:
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, my friend, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end. ~ Carl Bard

Let's make it a good year!