Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Indiana Weather

Crazy melancholy day today. Overcast, and in the 60's! I remember back in the olden days where every year on my birthday we'd have an ice storm or snow or something. But it's supposed to thunderstorm tonight, with possibility of 3 inches of rain. If that was snow it would be ...lets's see...3 inches rain multiplied by um...32 degrees divided by...never mind...it'd be a LOT of snow!

I love storms as long as no trees fall on my car or my house or anything, and the power stays on. I'm always afraid the power will go off and I won't have my backup alarm set and I'll be late for work.  Need to go set my alarm right now...be right back..

Ok, that's better! :)

Can't think of much else to talk about except the weather right now, so I'll just post this picture that pretty much says it all and bid you a good night.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday to Meeeee!

Once again, my birthday has rolled around on the calendar...well, not quite...3 more days, but the party is tomorrow night. I'm totally psyched about it because I have a Christmas present to use! My daughter and her boyfriend bought me this awesome wine bottle chandelier. It holds 16 empty wine bottles. So everyone who comes is supposed to bring a bottle to contribute to the decor. I even got a silver sharpie so they can sign the bottom of the bottle they bring.  Will post a picture when it's filled. Right now it's hanging cockeyed because it has 3 bottles in it. Need to level that sucker out!!

All day today I have been cleaning and putting things away. I should really have a party every month cause that way my house would be clean all the time! I even pulled down the cobwebs tonight. I usually forget that part of it. 

I enjoy so much the getting ready for the party! I have shopped and chopped and stirred all evening. The pork roast is in the crock pot for pulled pork sandwiches, and I have chips and dip and cheese and crackers and yum and yum and yum! So much for my diet this weekend!

The main thing I enjoy of course is having my family and friends here. Most of my friends are like family so it's like one huge reunion. I always stress out over it before it starts. Will it be fun? Will someone get too drunk and get dramatic? Will that someone be ME??? 

But most of the time, it's just a gathering of people who care about each other to eat, drink, and be merry, and enjoy each other's company. And play kings...always kings!

I'll be 58 years old on Monday. I hope I'll be having a party when I'm 78 ...88... 108?? wow...well, I can dream, huh?  Sure don't feel that old..

I just want to encourage you to have a gathering. Doesn't have to be drinking, or lots of food, or a big deal. Just get some friends together and have a good time. These days there are so many things to worry about. While it does no good to worry, it still happens. Having a get-together is a way to keep the wolf out the door for a while and just LIVE. 

Do it! I think you'll be glad you did!!

Monday, January 21, 2013


It's freezing here in Indiana today..supposed to get even colder. A good time for curling up on the couch with a hot toddy (or a hot TOMMY har har) and just watching the world go by.
Unfortunately, it's also a Monday, which meant going to work and freezing with only coffee to keep me warm. (Tommy is non-existent, in my life anyway. So that's a moot point.)
But the SKY! It was beautiful today on my way home. Once the sun finally got out of my eyes, there was blue sky with little white and gray puffy clouds, some which were sporting rainbow colors we always called "sun-dogs". As always when I see skies like that I think...I need to paint!!!
I would've taken a picture but I only had my cell phone with me and I'm notorious for taking very shaky and pretty much horrible pictures with that! But it is in my head, and will hopefully find its way into one of my paintings one of these days.
So instead of watching TV all night, I believe I will get out my paints and start re-learning the art. Never too late, right? 2013 is the year for following dreams.

Tommy will have to wait.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A year in the life....

Opening this blog tonight gave me a total and complete surprise. It has been a year and several days since I wrote anything. I know I've had stories to tell, but it seems that I felt maybe my life was not so interesting after all.
It wasn't really a new year's resolution (I didn't make any this year..waste of time..) but I think I have decided tonight that my life MIGHT be interesting to someone out there...so..I will try to do better!

2012...I don't think it was a good year for anyone. It seemed like it flew by with day after day of working my long time boring job, and working my other job 2 nights a week and Sundays. One day weekends suck, that's for sure. But I love my car and my house and having food to eat, so I do what I can to survive it without being bitter.

I think what I have learned most in the past year is to try to be positive about things. Since it does no good to be negative and worry I pretty much started walking away from the bad stuff. You know we all talk about doing that, and share things that are meant to make us keep positive, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of life, it's really hard to do.

My brother told me about a book called "The Four Agreements". I read it several years ago, but I believe it has done a great deal to change my outlook on life. I won't go into detail, because it's something that you would need to read yourself. But I will list them here:

1. Be impeccable with your word
2. Don't take anything personally
3. Don't make assumptions
4. Always do your best

Some of the agreements seem very simplistic in the list, but there is more to them when you dig down. Just a suggestion... Not to say I'm perfect by any means...I'm just trying to do my best!

I went through a bit of an empty nest thing for a while. Lost 64 pounds, gained back 20, lost 5 more and am going down again. Quit smoking several times. Bit my fingernails down to nothing and watched hour upon hour of Monk reruns. This has been my life. I have set up a craft room that I have yet to craft in, still cannot get my bed feng shui'ed correctly, and don't sit on my front porch like I should.

I am happy to say that my daughter is happy with her man, and that makes me almost ecstatic. I am so thankful that he was brought into her life and they are making a life together.  And no, I haven't met anyone special....yet!

So I'm happy living in my little house in the big hood, with my 3 cats who allow me to stay with them. I look to the future with what I call a "Scarlett O'Hara" attitude. I do what I can to make my life good today. And if I mess up or if it just turns out to be a shitty day, well...I use the words of Miss Scarlett...."after all, tomorrow IS another day!"

Make it a good one!