Friday, June 8, 2018

Forecast: Salmon today and Hot tamale!

Well, to quote Detective Monk ...Here's what happened...

 Before my surgery a year ago, my friend Jim brought me some salmon that he had caught on a fishing trip to Wisconsin. He said it was in a white grocery bag in the break room freezer. I grabbed the bag, took it home, looked inside, two packages wrapped in foil, I put it in my deep freeze. I forgot about it pretty much. It would cross my mind but then I'd forget again. Vicki's cheesecakes would ebb and flow in there as would various bags of frozen veggies and meat. But the white bag stayed in the same spot.
 Until last night. I decided I wanted salmon and remembered that there was salmon in the freezer. I took it out and untied the grocery bag. I opened the foil wrapper and saw..... tamales. 2 dozen tamales, obviously hand made in the corn husks.
 Where is my salmon? It's still here in the freezer in a white grocery bag.
 Sent an email but so far nobody has claimed the tamales. So I'm looking for a recipe for sauce.
The last one I found said this :
 9. Next, you now start unwrapping your tamale, this is usually a corn husk or a banana leaf. Unwrap it gently using a pair of thongs.
 I think maybe I'll look for a different one...

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