Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Beautiful day here in Indiana! 70 degrees or so, 60% chance of thunderstorms overnight...great springtime weather. No heat, no AC, door open, windows open ahhhhh...spring. I didn't even mind the itchy eyes so much. My wind chimes have been ringing all day. I have a chime set that is tuned, and sometimes it sounds like it's playing "Renegade" by Styx. Interesting.
I planted some seeds in little peat pots today. I'm really excited to see how they do. I have claimed this house as my own and now am trying to make it so. I always have so many plans and then end up not getting them done, but now that I have planted the little buggers, I guess I'll have to figure out somewhere to give them a home. We'll see. I'll just have to get UN-lazy and start working on it.
Spring always brings nostalgia for some reason. Fall is worse for me in that respect, but spring definitely has its weird feelings. Probably is related to the change in barometric pressure or the earth being off its axis a little bit, something like that. But I always feel like I've forgotten I forgot to go on a diet, usually... But there is a certain longing for something that is indefinable, but is so real I can almost reach out and touch it. I don't know if it's wanderlust, or just a desire to be a kid again and go out and play in the yard. Back in the days when dandelions were beautiful flowers and not just a pesky little weed that makes the yard look tacky.
I'm not sure what it is. I guess it's what they call "Spring Fever". Well, if that's what it's called, then I have a huge case of it this year! I'm ready to get outside and kill the poison ivy! rake the gravel! Plant morning glories beside anything that will allow them to climb up! Feed every bird in the neighborhood! Note that there's not much spring cleaning going on. I'm pretty sure THAT'S not what I've been longing for!
So happy spring to everyone! Do something that makes you happy this spring. Don't miss it! Boinnnnnng! Spring has sprung!

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