Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Indiana Weather

Crazy melancholy day today. Overcast, and in the 60's! I remember back in the olden days where every year on my birthday we'd have an ice storm or snow or something. But it's supposed to thunderstorm tonight, with possibility of 3 inches of rain. If that was snow it would be ...lets's see...3 inches rain multiplied by um...32 degrees divided by...never mind...it'd be a LOT of snow!

I love storms as long as no trees fall on my car or my house or anything, and the power stays on. I'm always afraid the power will go off and I won't have my backup alarm set and I'll be late for work.  Need to go set my alarm right now...be right back..

Ok, that's better! :)

Can't think of much else to talk about except the weather right now, so I'll just post this picture that pretty much says it all and bid you a good night.

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