Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday to Meeeee!

Once again, my birthday has rolled around on the calendar...well, not quite...3 more days, but the party is tomorrow night. I'm totally psyched about it because I have a Christmas present to use! My daughter and her boyfriend bought me this awesome wine bottle chandelier. It holds 16 empty wine bottles. So everyone who comes is supposed to bring a bottle to contribute to the decor. I even got a silver sharpie so they can sign the bottom of the bottle they bring.  Will post a picture when it's filled. Right now it's hanging cockeyed because it has 3 bottles in it. Need to level that sucker out!!

All day today I have been cleaning and putting things away. I should really have a party every month cause that way my house would be clean all the time! I even pulled down the cobwebs tonight. I usually forget that part of it. 

I enjoy so much the getting ready for the party! I have shopped and chopped and stirred all evening. The pork roast is in the crock pot for pulled pork sandwiches, and I have chips and dip and cheese and crackers and yum and yum and yum! So much for my diet this weekend!

The main thing I enjoy of course is having my family and friends here. Most of my friends are like family so it's like one huge reunion. I always stress out over it before it starts. Will it be fun? Will someone get too drunk and get dramatic? Will that someone be ME??? 

But most of the time, it's just a gathering of people who care about each other to eat, drink, and be merry, and enjoy each other's company. And play kings...always kings!

I'll be 58 years old on Monday. I hope I'll be having a party when I'm 78 ...88... 108?? wow...well, I can dream, huh?  Sure don't feel that old..

I just want to encourage you to have a gathering. Doesn't have to be drinking, or lots of food, or a big deal. Just get some friends together and have a good time. These days there are so many things to worry about. While it does no good to worry, it still happens. Having a get-together is a way to keep the wolf out the door for a while and just LIVE. 

Do it! I think you'll be glad you did!!

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