Saturday, January 12, 2013

A year in the life....

Opening this blog tonight gave me a total and complete surprise. It has been a year and several days since I wrote anything. I know I've had stories to tell, but it seems that I felt maybe my life was not so interesting after all.
It wasn't really a new year's resolution (I didn't make any this year..waste of time..) but I think I have decided tonight that my life MIGHT be interesting to someone out will try to do better!

2012...I don't think it was a good year for anyone. It seemed like it flew by with day after day of working my long time boring job, and working my other job 2 nights a week and Sundays. One day weekends suck, that's for sure. But I love my car and my house and having food to eat, so I do what I can to survive it without being bitter.

I think what I have learned most in the past year is to try to be positive about things. Since it does no good to be negative and worry I pretty much started walking away from the bad stuff. You know we all talk about doing that, and share things that are meant to make us keep positive, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty of life, it's really hard to do.

My brother told me about a book called "The Four Agreements". I read it several years ago, but I believe it has done a great deal to change my outlook on life. I won't go into detail, because it's something that you would need to read yourself. But I will list them here:

1. Be impeccable with your word
2. Don't take anything personally
3. Don't make assumptions
4. Always do your best

Some of the agreements seem very simplistic in the list, but there is more to them when you dig down. Just a suggestion... Not to say I'm perfect by any means...I'm just trying to do my best!

I went through a bit of an empty nest thing for a while. Lost 64 pounds, gained back 20, lost 5 more and am going down again. Quit smoking several times. Bit my fingernails down to nothing and watched hour upon hour of Monk reruns. This has been my life. I have set up a craft room that I have yet to craft in, still cannot get my bed feng shui'ed correctly, and don't sit on my front porch like I should.

I am happy to say that my daughter is happy with her man, and that makes me almost ecstatic. I am so thankful that he was brought into her life and they are making a life together.  And no, I haven't met anyone special....yet!

So I'm happy living in my little house in the big hood, with my 3 cats who allow me to stay with them. I look to the future with what I call a "Scarlett O'Hara" attitude. I do what I can to make my life good today. And if I mess up or if it just turns out to be a shitty day, well...I use the words of Miss Scarlett...."after all, tomorrow IS another day!"

Make it a good one!

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